About Riverview

One of the statements that best embraces Riverview School’s vision of learning is “Together… We Make a Difference.” Upon entering our building, one can recognize right away that Riverview School is comprised of a community of learners who believe that students, teachers, and staff should all be active learners, engaged in experiences that are challenging and exciting. The community recognizes and celebrates diversity, knowing that each individual has something to contribute to the organization as a whole. The role of staff is to help students develop a strong foundation of skills and concepts, believe in their ability to be successful, and instill a love of learning with a desire to explore new horizons. To facilitate these goals, the students follow the district’s Code of Conduct. With the support of our guidance counselors, students reflect upon the six pillars of character to develop their sense of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.

The curriculum revision process at Riverview School is overseen by our district level Director of Curriculum, and incorporates the work and effort of various stakeholders in the learning community. Subject area curricula allow our students to gain a better understanding of essential questions related to knowledge and skills necessary in working towards proficiency of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Each grade level has the opportunity to meet at least once every six days as a team to explore student work samples, analyze data, and collaborate on important educational issues to further enhance student achievement and understanding of the curriculum. In grades K-5, the classroom teachers have embraced a passion for reading and writing while implementing a balanced literacy program with their students. Inclusive within this program is the use of guided reading groups to promote an understanding of important reading skills and strategies. In addition, a writer’s workshop model has been adopted by the school in an effort to engage the students in meaningful writing everyday.

Riverview School students continue to be grounded in a strong academic foundation where interdisciplinary studies are woven so that children learn in a context of rich, authentic experiences. Among these experiences are the study of Music, Art, Technology, Media, Physical Education, Spanish, Drug Awareness, Family Life Education, Health and Safety. To support students with identified needs, Basic Skills Instruction, reading support, and Child Study Team services provide additional coaching and instructional assistance. Students who are identified as gifted and talented are challenged through our ExPO program where they have the opportunity to further develop their creative and critical thinking skills. The faculty includes a nurse, guidance counselors, reading specialists and subject specialists in music, art, Spanish, science, physical education, library/media, and technology.

The staff is proud of the rich experiences that are provided for the students to embrace 21st century knowledge and skills. They recognize that the students are “digital natives” and need every opportunity to experience learning through multimedia. Problem-based learning activities are enhanced in the classrooms and the students are developing integrated technology skills with wireless laptops and SMART Boards. The computer lab provides an environment for students to learn computer skills such as word processing, use of graphics, creation of maps, digital pictures, and Power Point presentations with hyper-links, to reinforce major concepts learned in their classrooms. Skyping and distance learning activities are well-monitored and purposeful. The students are no longer confined to the walls of the classroom with the Internet at their fingertips. The strict Internet use policies are enforced to ensure a safe technology learning environment for the students.

Our strong related arts program recognizes the “whole child” and looks for opportunities to promote intelligence in all domains. In the area of music, programs in both instrumental and vocal music are offered. Students in the third grade are exposed to instrumental music through recorder instruction. The instrumental program begins in grades four and five. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade participate in vocal music classes. The kindergarten through fifth grade art program offer experiences in working with a variety of different media and places an emphasis on art appreciation, history, and culture. The library media center not only provides a state-of-the-art facility to develop skills in research, but also a pleasant place to read, find out about literature, and occasionally host authors. Students in grades four and five participate in Spanish language instruction with an emphasis on world languages and an exploration of cultures.

Riverview Elementary School boasts a science specialist who meets with students weekly to engage them in hands-on activities that support the science instruction that takes place in the classroom. The science room is a special place, with live animals and exhibits that stimulate a mini-museum. More than 70% of the students voluntarily participate in a science fair each spring. The ROCK (Riverview’s Outdoor Center for Kids) is almost completed. Thanks to grant funding from Lowe’s, and the support and assistance of many parents and staff, the center will soon be equipped with an amphitheater, sundial, birdhouses, an observation tower, and a variety of shrubs.

Through the physical education program, children improve their gross and fine motor skills and develop an appreciation for fitness and exercise. With the cooperation of the Denville Police Department, officers come to the school and present a Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for students. The Police and Fire Departments also provide programs on safety, fire prevention, and what to do in case of an emergency.

Riverview School also has a very active Parent Teacher Association. Parents are involved in their children’s education and spend many hours volunteering in a wide array of activities that support the educational well-being of the students. The parents have organized such important events as the annual Fun Fair, the Fast Track Tricky Tray, and other fundraising events to provide the best experiences and resources for the success of our learning community. As a community, the school supports efforts to help the less fortunate through UNICEF, food, books and toy collections.

Riverview School is proud of its cohesive faculty, supportive parents, and educational programs. The principal, supervisor of instruction and teaching staff at Riverview are highly qualified and continue to demonstrate lifelong learning and enthusiasm. Advanced degrees are held by many of our staff and professional development is valued. The staff is committed to bringing the Riverview Rockets to new heights while maintaining and promoting excellence at our school.

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