Welcome to RV PE

Welcome to Riverview Physical Education! Your Child’s P.E. Teachers are Ms. Gomer, and Mr. Wilson. We will be working to encourage healthy habits and to teach students that movement is fun! The goal is for our students to be confident and creative movers and to choose to be active for a lifetime. 

We are looking forward to an exciting year! 

Physical Education


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The CDC recommends that your child gets at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily. Recommendations for adults are 150 minutes per week. Your child receives Physical Education 42  minutes, twice a week.

What You Can Do

Help your child come to Physical Education prepared with sneakers and play clothes. Please help your child learn to tie their shoes as this will help them be safe while participating. Please have your child bring sneakers in their book bag if they must wear sandals, crocs, or boots to school. 

Move and play with your child as much as you can and model good healthy habits. Now is the time to create these habits! 

Emphasize the importance of following directions and giving their best effort. Ask your child what they learned each day.

If your child has any health concerns, please let me know, as I will adapt the activities to fit his/her needs. If your child cannot participate due to illness or injury, a parent note needs to be sent to the PE Dept. After 3 days, a doctor, note will be required. Your child, health and safety are a top priority!